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E-index of Stephen W. Hawking
E-index: 999.22
  • Top 0.062% in Mathematics
  • Top 0.031% in Physics
E-index of Edward Witten
E-index: 1,280.27
  • Top 0.028% in Mathematics
  • Top 0.01% in Physics
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Metrics of Stephen W. Hawking

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Metric Score
E-index (E) 999.22
Number of papers (with DOIs) (N) 315
Total citations (Ctot) 81,278
Average citations (Cavg) 258.03
Maximum citations (Cmax) 10,884
H-index (H) 96
G-index (G) 285
Q̃-index (Q̃) 41.87
Citation moment (Mα) 2.98
Metrics of Edward Witten

Hover over the metrics to see more information.

Metric Score
E-index (E) 1,280.27
Number of papers (with DOIs) (N) 604
Total citations (Ctot) 152,321
Average citations (Cavg) 252.19
Maximum citations (Cmax) 11,688
H-index (H) 171
G-index (G) 389
Q̃-index (Q̃) 61.36
Citation moment (Mα) 3.46
Paper number vs Citations - Stephen W. Hawking
Paper number vs Citations - Edward Witten